In order to guarantee the best support to all professionals in the sector who wish to expand their sales proposal and stand out on the market, Molini Lario has created ARMONIE, a wide range of formulations suitable for obtaining finished products with high added value.
The range of semi-finished products ARMONIE has been developed starting from the grinding already carried out by Molini Lario for the leading industries in the sector, in order to guarantee the best quality performance. The varieties of wheat used derive from a multi-year selection process, conducted within the Molini Lario quality supply chain, in close
collaboration with the best seed companies.
The high quality and safety standards that characterize all the semi-finished products of the ARMONIE range are the same that have always distinguished the excellence and authenticity of Molini Lario products.

With ARMONIE, Molini Lario guarantees certainty of results and ease of use to artisan bakers who wish to offer bakery products enriched with various flours and seeds.
- ECCELSIO MULTISCURO - mix for dark multigrain and seed bread
- ECCELSIO SARACENO - mix for bakery products with buckwheat flour
- ECCELSIO TRILOGY - wholemeal flours mix for bakery products
Molini Lario has created Hylario - the natural powdered yeast formulated and balanced on the flours of historical and well-established Larian production. Hylario - when suitably activated - guarantees advantages to help the professional during the process stages, as well as to give the finished product appreciated taste and aroma characteristics. Its strengths are versatility and ease of dosage. Hylario can be easily applied to bakery, pizzeria and pastry products made with both direct and indirect dough.

With ARMONIE COADIUVANTI, Molini Lario provides a wide range of preparations suited for stabilizing and valorizing the manifold artisanal bakery recipes.